
The center aim to provide free legal help to individuals who may not have access to private legal representation

legal advice

trained legal professionals and volunteer offer guidance and advice on various legal matters, such as family law, employment law, probate law, civil rights, land law, child law, and more. The center provides information about legal rights and options, helping individuals make informed decisions.

legal aid and representation

In certain cases, the Legal advice center may offer legal aid and representation to individuals who meet specific criteria, such as law – income individuals or those facing exceptional circumstances. This can involve drafting legal documents, negotiating with opposing parties, or representing clients in court.

workshop and outreach programs

: The organization conduct workshops, seminars, and community outreach programs to educate individuals about the legal rights and responsibilities. These events aim to empower individuals by providing them with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate legal challenges.


: In cases where the legal advice center cannot direct assist individuals, they may provide referrals to other legal services providers or organizations that specialize in the required area of law.